They Said What?

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Confucius said: “A man who commits a mistake and doesn’t correct it is committing another mistake.”

They Said What? identifies “mistakes” in high-visibility contexts and offers those who committed the mistakes the opportunity to correct, apologize for or retract their mistakes…or explain how their positions are correct and we have made a mistake by questioning them.

In each case, the links and screenshots provide that documentation.  All we want is for these perpetrators either to explain themselves, or to stop doing things like harming employees or lying about saving the lives of cancer victims who never had cancer in the first place.

Further, as described in the FAQs, we offer the perpetrators of the possible mistakes fully three courtesies that very few other critics would allow:

  1. We provide “equal billing” – the perpetrators can comment and we will print the comments;
  2. We don’t ambush the perpetrators – they know what they are doing and shouldn’t be surprised when they get caught doing it;
  3. Uniquely, as described in the FAQs, we also offer these organizations between $1000 and $3,000,000, payable to them or their favorite charity, to publicly apologize or prove us wrong.  This is probably the first time in history that anyone has offered bribes to people to simply encourage them to tell the truth.

While we would appreciate the same courtesies if indeed we make mistakes, we of course do not expect even one of these courtesies from critics of our work.


  1. Howard Lang says:

    I think it is great! We continually get lies, lies and more damn llies.


  2. Is there a way to follow your blog by email?


    • whynobodybelievesthenumbers says:

      I am just mastering this whole WordPress thing now. Let me see if i can figure out how to do that.


  3. […] that apps cause better outcomes. While lingering skepticism will prove to be another bonanza for outfits like this, the luster of smart-device gadgetry will be too much to resist. As a result, it’s only a […]


  4. SBD says:

    I am in FedEx wellness program. This was the first year I was eligible, and I didn’t get the memo (apparently public knowledge around FedEx) that you are supposed to lie on the health form. I stupidly told them I have a cardiac disease. It’s congenital and controlled but there wasn’t any place on the form to explain that. Some halfwitted “coach” called me up and offered to “help” me. I told her what I had. She had never heard of it so I spent the whole half-hour explaining to her what it was.


  5. To a certain extent you are right. But not all efforts to help people avoid disease crises are evil. I have been in healthcare caring for people for fifty- two years. I have experienced helping people in the end stages of disease die with dignity. My only sister died from complications of diabetes at age forty-eight. She didn’t need do die that young! I helped her die for ten years, that was 1989. I have since dedicated my work to helping people avoid disease and promoting good health. I personally dislike the term wellness. I prefer to say we promote good health and help people avoid disease.
    The truth is most people will not go to the doctor until they get sick. In some cases that can be too late. In my practice I have to objectives in screening people, to identify health risk factors and undiagnosed disease. In cases where there are significant results we direct them back to their doctor or help them locate a doctor for follow up care. For people with out insurance we offer our screenings at a very low cost. We will charge $85-$125.00 where other facilities charge $300-$900.00 for the same testing.
    Just as maintaining your car is important, maintaining your health is more important. As people age there bodies go through changes, it is important to know when negative changes take place. At age sixty-two I became a diabetic. I am so glad I was tested!
    Obviously you have had some bad experience in the area of healthcare. So have I, but I believe it is better to offer and provide solutions rather than complain. There are many areas of healthcare we can point to as being broken. I might add that I am not getting filthy rich in the work we do helping employers help their employees. We provide Immunizations and other needed service to help prevent disease. The key to our success is the way we do what we do. We service primarily school employees in Texas public schools, some have used our services for over twenty years because their employees request our services. There is a right way to help people with their health.


    • whynobodybelievesthenumbers says:

      This is a very thoughtful and balanced comment, thank you for providing it. I suspect both are issues. Some people don’t go to the doctor enough. Others way too much. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Focusing on overdoctoring doesn’t mean ignoring prevention. People who take the quiz will see both kinds of questions — those focused on avoiding overdoctoring are balanced with those advising ways to patrol one’s own health and identify indications that it might be time to go to the doctor.


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