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Monthly Archives: June 2020

The biggest scam in dentistry

If you or a loved one has had a small-to-medium-sized cavity filled in the last 6 years, on a molar, premolar, or baby tooth, you’ve fallen for the biggest scam in dentistry, a scam of a magnitude that would make the wellness trade association green with envy.

You are getting most cavities filled for no reason at all, other than for dentists to make money. 

It turns out the large majority of cavities can be treated with Silver Diamine Fluoride, or SDF. That solution — used in Japan for 60 years — arrests the decay and to some extent can remineralize the tooth.  The cavity can’t be too deep, and it has to be in place where it can be easily reached.  It also turns the decay black, so it’s probably not a good idea for front teeth, at least for people who are hoping to be swiped right.

Quizzifans among TSW Nation may think they’ve heard this song before. They’d be right. Quizzify has been asking questions about SDF and writing on this topic for years.

Marty Makary and some colleagues have also highlighted the benefits of SDF, and correctly predicted that dentists would be very tardy in adopting it.

The difference now?  Not unlike the wellness perps, it turns out that dentists’ own words are their own worst enemy. If you read this new Quizzify blog, peruse the quotes carefully, and link through to the sources, you’ll see what I mean: they’ve known all along this along.

Dentist in Marathon Man | Tales From A Hungry Life



Hit me with your best shot! Fire away!

Dear TSW Nation,

I’ll be the guest on a live webinar on Thursday at noon EDT, courtesy of The Zero Card.

The difference between this webinar and others is that the questions won’t be curated. I will answer every question, no matter how obnoxious.

If you are a wellness vendor or consultant, this is your chance to challenge any of my smackdowns. Surely somewhere in my 500,000+ words published (plus podcasts), you can find a mistake.





Wellness industry jumps the shark

So, before we get into the fun stuff, let me express my condolences to Interactive Health’s non-management employees, who probably had no idea their employer was living a lie. For them, I will make pdfs of my books on outcomes measurement free, provide a free coaching session on outcomes measurement, and basically try to be as helpful as possible in this job market. Just ping me on linkedin.

To paraphrase the immortal words of the great philosopher George Carlin, consider how stupid the average wellness vendor is. Now realize that half of them are stupider.

The winner in this race to the bottom?  Interactive Health, winning Deplorables Awards in 2017 and 2018.

Yesterday, in a shocking display of efficient markets, Interactive Health (IH) went bankrupt, stiffing enough creditors to make a President blush. I do feel badly for those creditors, though no one should offer credit to a company that can’t even pass its own IQ Test.)

Or perhaps IH ran out of money because they spent so much of it developing their “smoking recession program.”

And, proving that it’s not only great minds that think alike, Interactive Health got this effusive write-up from Ron Goetzel’s outfit. Ron, please never write a glowing case study of Quizzify. I’m not sure we could survive it.

Some of their greatest hits include:

See a pattern here? If so, then it’s safe to conclude they never would have hired you. You’re overqualified.

Wellness trade association concedes that wellness loses money

The Health Enhancement Research Organization HERO) and all its pilot fish have finally thrown in the towel on defending “pry, poke and prod.” No surprise, given that only one vendor out of 1000 (well, out of 999, I guess) has managed to consistently reduce risk. They (US Preventive Medicine) are too honest to claim savings for it.

Recall the write-up we did on the National Bureau of Economic Research’s wellness study a few weeks ago?  HERO has now accepted its validity, by refusing to comment on it. What alternative did they have? The dilemma for these people was that every single one of them used the following, same, observation to diss the study when it reported initial results:

Although the Jones et al study was titled “What Do Workplace Wellness Programs Do?” a more appropriate title might have been “What Did the University of Illinois Workplace Wellness Program Do, in a Very Short Amount of Time?”

So what are you supposed to do with all these mentions of a single year (or a “very short period”) once the second year shows the same thing? Here’s what Interactive Health would do…