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HERO vs. Huffpost: What do actual employees say about wellness?


Declare your independence from wellness intrusion. Quizzify.

Quizzify is very uniform. Uniformly smart and funny, that is

HERO (the wellness vendors’ trade group) says:  “Employees are not uniform in their receptiveness to wellness programs.”  That’s like saying: “Republicans are not uniform in their receptiveness to the Clinton campaign.”

Take a look at Huffpost — especially the comments— to see what employees really think, not what HERO wants you to believe they think.  With more than 23,000 views, this Huffpost was probably the most widely read posting on wellness anywhere in all of 2015.

These comments are unexpurgated (except for Huffpost’s own obscenity filter, which we suspect got quite a workout). You can add your own.

Then urge your HR department to redesign your wellness program.  Tell them to ax your “pry, poke, prod and punish” vendor. If the vendor makes a fuss, bring us in and we can find all the lies they’ve told you in their outcomes reports and threaten to sue them.

Quizzify 4

No one thinks Quizzify isn’t fun

Then your company can start doing wellness FOR its employees instead of TO them.  Read Jon and Rosie’s book to get some guidance.  If you get depressed by the amount of work you have ahead of you, take a breather and read Surviving Workplace Wellness to tickle your funny bone– If laughter were truly the best medicine, wellness would be a blockbuster drug.


  1. Susan says:

    I liked the comment where the employee reported that the HR person told her to “lie on the HRA. No one cares.” I also put a “like” on it myself. It’s now the #1 comment, seems to resonate with everyone.


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